F.I.S.H.™ Inventory
Wealth encompasses not only money, but all of the capital available to us. Teaching this to our children from a young age helps them develop a more expansive way of thinking about wealth which is key to their ability to develop identity and life paths that fill their hearts and minds as well as their investment accounts.
This exercise is to be completed by each individual family member and will guide you to recognize the wealth of resources already at your fingertips!
Financial Capital
Read an income statement
Assess a business plan
Read the business pages of the newspaper
Manage a basic budget
Practice due diligence
Keep a FICO score above 750
Intellectual Capital
What you have learned that can be leveraged to enhance your family
The skills your brother developed when he built a house
Your aunt’s cake recipe and baking prowess inherited from her grandmother
The degrees from schools your family earned
The experience you've acquired over time
The the Emmy, the Pulitzer or the math prize that is part of your family pride
Social Capital
Your networks, community, & good will
Boards & club networks to which you belong
Good will you've built in the community through your family foundation
Relationships with your sports club members
Awards for leadership
Participation in your synagogue or church
Human Capital
Legacy, passion, family history, values, & anything else that makes your family its own weird, wonderful, unique, never before and never again self
The handmade quilt your grandmother carried across the country as a young wife
The story of your grandfather's origins
The work ethic you share with your sister (or not)
The love of hiking you share and the camping trips that are a tradition among cousins